Free consultation 07828958566
Tape Extension maintenance
Taken out and re-taped and put back in the following day
Service Description
Tape extension maintenance is one of the longest methods of maintenance as residue is left on the hair when the tapes are removed. The hair will need to be washed in a special solution to remove this residue and the tapes will need to be re-taped and that can take several hours. It is suggested to get the extension removed on one day and get then re put in the following day as the maintenance can be quite time consuming and long for the clients. To take out will take 2 hours plus if the hair is washed and blow dried then the process will take 3 hours , and then an additional 3-4 hours to re tape the extensions and put them back into the hair.

Contact Details
+44 7828958566
GBR 28 clos halket cf118dz